Top 10k strings from Spy Trilogy, The - Intro (1986)(Tartan Software)(Part 1-2 of 3).z80
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2 ;"NOW LOAD PART ONE" 2 ;" Press any key to continue " 1 ~b~~~b~~~~b~ 1 ;"which examines your intelligence, aptitude and application of logic." 1 ;"stop the tape." 1 ;"You have decided to apply for entrance to the "; 1 ;"You are placed in a simulated situation of having to collect "; 1 ;"You are about to be presented with three linked ADVENTURES which must be completed in the correct sequence." 1 ;"When you reach approximately 90%of the adventure in the PRACTICEMODE you will be required to start again FOR REAL!" 1 ;"WELCOME" 1 ;"USEFUL"; 1 ;"THE SPY TRILOGY"; 1 ;"THE SPY TRILOGY" 1 ;"THE SPY TRILOGY 1 ;"Start your MAP at bottom left!" 1 ;"SUITABILITY TEST "; 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE" 1 ;"SECRET SERVICE." 1 ;"Press any key to continue" 1 ;"PRESS 'Y' FOR INSTRUCTIONS" 1 ;"It is 17.00 hrs on 31st of 1 ;"GO NORTH, GO EAST"; 1 ;"For GRAPHICS enter ""OFF"" or ""ON""" 1 ;"Be prepared to" 1 ;"At your initial interview you are invited to attempt the 1 ;"At the end of each you will be given a CODE WORD which will enable you to proceed to the next ADVENTURE." 1 ;"AGENT TRAINING SCHOOL." 1 ;"A DREAM of an ADVENTURE" 1 ;", or L redescribes location." 1 ;", or I lists your possessions" 1 ;" to surrender." 1 ;" to keep you up to date." 1 ;" presents" 1 ;" may be useful sometimes!" 1 ;" items of a potential 1 ;" is seldom of much use!" 1 ;" is an important factor of each adventure, you will be given the opportunity of 1 ;" etc can be replaced by "; 1 ;" commands in all sections of this SPY TRILOGY are:-" 1 ;" commands can be used with a blank TAPE as usual for a permanent SAVE. Bothcommands may also be used as a temporary measure by utilising a memory BANK in the computer. Instructions on this simple 1 ;" THE SPY TRILOGY " 1 ;" THE CLOCK OFF. " 1 ;" TARTAN SOFTWARE "; 1 ;" PART 1 "; 1 ;" NOW LOADING " 1 ;" GOOD LUCK! " 1 "a"+x,(255 1 exploring the first two 1 agent's armoury, from the 1 adventures with "; 1 T.D. FROST" 1 SAVE/LOAD technique are includedin each ADVENTURE. " 1 December when you commence the TEST. It must be completed in less than 8 hours."